Sunday, November 7, 2010

Baby Girl #2!!

We found out on Friday that we're having another girl!!  I, of course, was very excited because I really wanted to have two girls in a row--even though a boy would have been great too.  Now the girls will be best friends/worst enemies throughout their life, but they'll end up on the best friend side of the spectrum.  I was also excited because I now know that I get to use all of the clothes I have at least one more time!  If you knew how many boxes of clothes I had in my garage, you would understand.  I was also excited because, it's no secret, that raising boys frightens me!  Brian always tells me these horrific stories filled with blood, bruises, injuries, hospital trips, knock out fights, and more about he and his brothers growing up.  I think his stories scare me so much, that my body is now only programmed to make little girls.  I'll try to deprogram my brain if we get to baby number three so Brian can have a boy :)  I know that everyone keeps telling me that I have no say in the matter, but I'm pretty certain that I mentally and physically willed Bailey and this  little girl to be girls.

I wish I could reveal her name at the moment, but we haven't come to any conclusions.  I'm not one of those moms who keeps it a secret until she's born, so as soon as we decide I'll let you guys know.  Right now I have one in mind, but I'm not yet 100% sold.  We also can't decide if we're going to go with the B name theme or just totally awesome names that we love.  The one name that we're thinking about isn't a B name, hence the dilemma.  I might just have to google B names and see if one stands out.

So for now, the Bronson family will continue to live in the land of princesses, fairies, bow, dresses, and dolls.  It's actually a really nice place to live!


Kirstie said...

Yeah for another little girl! I'm sure she will be just as darling as your first!

Tami Gemmell said...

I had a feeling it was a girl...just because I KNOW how many boxes of adorable clothes you have so they need to be brought out and worn again....Happy day!!! You make the girls I will make the boys!:) Congrats Love ya!!

keri mae rhineer heaton said...


Lissy said...

Yay! That's just what I want too. So excited for you! :)

Trish said...

Woo Hoo!!! Yay! I'm so excited for you guys! Can't wait for the next one...i bet Bailey's so Happy!

k d L said...

seriously, i'm sure brothers are great, but SISTERS ARE THE BEST! and yay for reusing bows and dresses and shoes...but we all know you'll buy more anyway. haha. love it! and boys terrify me too!!! i'm pretty sure i did the same thing with this little lady and willed her into double X chromosomes. haha. so so so excited for you!