Friday, April 29, 2011

My Tiny Little Nugget

Brooklynn has been smiling more and more each day. She usually is all smiles in the morning, so I brought my camera upstairs this week. A big smile had still eluded me all week long, until yesterday. Right before she went down for another nap, she was real happy and I caught it on camera.

I love her big, toothless smile!

I would like to say she was smiling at me, but Justin Timberlake was on Ellen.  I think she likes him as much as I do!

Her pensive side

She's thinking about being sad.

Not only does she have the cutest smile, but she also makes the BEST sad faces I've ever seen! 

She just pouts that bottom lip out and has the saddest sounding cry.

Here she's done with the photo shoot and ready to sleep.

I just love this tiny, little girl!!  She's such a good baby!