Last week, we finally got our Christmas tree. Bailey was already asleep, but we went anyway knowing that if we didn't go that night we probably wouldn't go at all. Once we got to the Christmas tree place, she woke up ready to select our tree. The tree we picked, was the first tree in the first aisle in the lot so it was meant to be.

I'm with Bailey on this one--flocked trees are very scary! Who even buys trees like this? But Bailey did think it was real snow, so that explains the tears.

Here she is seconds after she was strapped in her car seat; she was exhausted.
This past weekend, Kyle, Sam, and the twins came down to celebrate Christmas early. On Saturday night, we took the kids to the amazing house in San Marcos that has more than 80,000 lights. The other fun part is that on the weekend they have Santa there for the kids; when Santa is there, that means mini candy canes which is Bailey's highlight of the season!
Bailey is totally mesmerized by Christmas lights and loves to look at them.

Here she is with Santa right after he gave her a candy cane, so she is so excited. It's so funny that she has no fear and will walk up to complete strangers dressed in red, just becuase she knows she'll get a candy cane. Once the kids all had their mouths filled with candy, we could get them to pose for as many pictures as we wanted. Bailey and Kate were the most obedient, holding hands the entire time. I'm not sure they were aware that they were holding hands, but were sure loving their candy canes.

Now compare the above picture with the ones below from last year's trip to see the Christmas lights. It's so amazing how all three of them have grown! They are 11 months apart, so it's great to watch the twins and see what Bailey will be like in a year.
Christmas Lights 2008
Here's our family:
We also had a fun family Christmas party complete with games, prizes, food, presents, and a fun family gift exchange. I think we might start a new family tradition because it was so much fun! We made beautiful graham cracker houses in teams of two (one person was the eyes, the other was the hands), Brian made yummy food, Aaron introduced us to a new Christmas game, and then had our Golden Partridge gift exchange (not a white elephant gift, but a real Christmasy gift--hence the name).
Here's the whole family--Merry Christmas 2009!
This picture of the girls is symbolic of the night--Kate: cute and angelic, Bailey: about to lose her mind from all of the excitment.
By the end of the night, Bailey had completely gone nuts--but in a good way. Her smile is one of sheer joy and craziness!